
sonifying external and internal landscapes                         weaving sonic experiences                          digital myths                         listening                                      tactile poetry                      

CPH based artist with a background in electronic music and performing arts - oriented sound design, working within the field of composition, installation, dance, theatre and digital art.

Sound poses a medium via which moltamole lets herself explore and absorb external environments, as well as sonify inner, emotional landscapes. The intimacy of her sonic meandering is often imbued with field recordings, voice, noise, ASMR or poetry. Preoccupied by sonic tactility, she often weaves textural compositions and abstract soundscapes. She believes that sound and listening can pose a tool for empathising with other humans and non-humans. A lot of her current work is conceptual, evolving around creating scores for composition and room sound design. At this point of her music journey, seasons and universes occur simultaneously, with the sound palette flickering anywhere between underwater recordings of coral reefs or melting glaciers to sentimental Hatsune Miku melodies and repetitive poetry read by moltamole’s voice clones.

[½ VGN FRST, 22’ sound graduate from Den Danske Scenekunstskole]

field recordings. selected

overview of recent projects and artistic activity: 

2024: DINOSAUR WORLD a puppet theatre production with PERSONA NO GRATA hosted by Malmö Dockteater at Potato, Potato, malmø
2024: CRYING BY THE SEA an artist residency with theatrebuilding.com at struer, sound art lab, resulting with a sound installation at  økocity 2.0, copenhagen
2024: YOUR HEART OUT artist residency with Ella Östlund and Ottavia Catenacci at S’ALA, sassari 
2024: sound & sound scupltures for TENDER, a performance centred around care, tactility and vibrations, with beyond darkness, dansetippen, copenhagen
2023: sound for The Wedding, a play and a border-breaking project between Blaagaards Theater and Theater of the Women of the Palestinian Camp in the Borj el Barajneh [Beirut, Hamanna, Copenhagen]
2023: audio-visual performance for kallelse #4, inkonst, malmø
2023: composition for Oceana, cosmopolis festival, greece [in collaboration with nanna elvin hansen]
2023: multi-channel soundscape composition for GROUNDINGS, an exhibition by nanna elvin hansen at O—Overgaden, copenhagen [in collaboration with hansen]
2023: Watery Bodies by Giemaš, a field recording live radio pop-up, in collaboration with nanna elvin hansen at lávvonjárga, finnmark, norway
2023: digital mythology: MINOTAUR GRL, make sound recidency at inter arts center, malmø
2022/ 2023: sound for tragiske måder at slå en kvinde ihjel på, odense teater
2022: sound for ENTANGLED, a performance installation by beyond darkness /in progress/
2021/ 2022: merged binaural soundscape for scintillae, a performance fusioning active storytelling, dance, darkness and sensorial explorations with beyond darkness
2022: sound for INSTITUTIONEN, a graduation piece at the danish national school of performing arts, copenhagen
2022: sound assistance with heavy body, heavenly body by monia sander haj-mohamed, O—Overgaden, copenhagen
2022: mixing and specializing of a sound installation USE IT WELL by julie nymann and signe raunkjær holm, inter arts center, malmø
2022: composition for godsibb, a BA choreography by ottavia catenacci, copenhagen
2021: sound installation for på jorden at teater momentum, odense
2021: sound assistance for øjne at teater momentum, odense
2021: sound for a dance performance of nadja mattioli and kalliopi siganou at THE DEEP VOID, christianshavns beboerhus, copenhagen
2021: a score for #over borders 2, curated by jez riley french and pheobe law
2020: music/ soundscape for a bridge/ in case you will forget, a dance performance of ottavia catenacci at HANGARTFEST, italy
2020: music/ soundscape for an array of university projects including plays ‘turister’ /copenhagen/ and ‘bikuben’ /århus/
2019: music/ soundscape for a performance of vera bundschuh, in collaboration with jacobe suissa
2019: music /soundscape/ for ‘to, co zostaje’, a short movie created by eliza godlewska and alan ruczynski /warsaw film school, polish film institute/
2018: performance for NOWTOPIA at den grå hal, copenhagen

music and soundscape releases:

2021: noisy harbors, a field recording release as a part of possible moistures compilation, for forms of minutiae, berlin
2019: particle soundscape, release, in collaboration with izzi s and julia e. parks /murmuration #2/ verdure engraved/
2019: tobacco caye, sound maps for the dreamer III, release /sonospace/
2019: blichtrtrwa, release, in collaboration with yoshii swxdn /FASRAT compilation/
2019: sonic journals, release /bandcamp/
2019: ° and so we heard them melt', release /bandcamp/
2019: sermiermiut II, publication /sonospace/

performances with VGN FRST:

2018: audiovisual performance at the event ‘stray signals’, in west germany
2017: audiovisual performance at ‘the future is female’, curated by angel karel, lyon
2017: audiovisual performance ‘internal path’, and radio show at punctum krasova, prague
2017: audiovisual performance at ‘digital love’, curated by girls, blogfabrik, berlin

recent education & volunteering:

bachelor in sound, DDSKS, copenhagen
bachelor in electronic music production & performance degree, Catalyst, berlin
electronic music course, engelsholm højskole
G((O))NG tomorrow, honeyland, copenhagen jazz festival, 3hd festival, A L’ARME

more thoughts:

four questions